Post Natal Pilates in Oxford

The body comes under huge strain during pregnancy, with changes to your posture, your muscle balance, your physiology and your core muscle strength. Those all-important deep abdominals and pelvic floor muscles now have to contend with an increased load that is very focused in and around the pelvic region. Childbirth can also impact these structures, and often the pelvic floor and abdomen are particularly affected.  Post-natal Pilates gives a perfect forum for you to start to reconnect with these structures in a gentle and supportive way. That’s why we have set up specific Physiotherapy led Post Natal Pilates classes in Oxfordshire. 

We believe that the combination of our pelvic health expertise delivered through Pilates-style tuition locally to you in Oxford gives the best foundation for recovery to your body and mind. During our specialist Post Natal Pilates course, we will tailor the exercise prescription to suit everybody’s needs and goals. Whatever it is you’d like to get back to or begin post-natally, starting with a course of post-natal Pilates to lay a strong foundation. Our instructors will guide you through a progressive and enjoyable term, to ensure you come away feeling like the precious hour you have spent is invested in your long-term recovery. 

The Oxford Physiotherapy Clinic is excited to now be offering Specialist Post Natal Recovery Pilates Classes.

We are looking forward to taking these first steps back into exercise following the birth of your baby. As pelvic health Physiotherapists, we have the skills to ensure you can practice safely and confidently, supporting you with your own personal goals. Find out more. with details about post-natal pilates classes near you in Oxford.